AD ID: 11738737 β’ Phnom Penh β’ 9h
πααΌαα 000800 πCodeα 000800 πα’αΆαααααααΆα: ααΌαα·ααααααΆα’,α ααα α α£,αααα·ααααααα,αααααααα πAddress: Prey Tea 2, Chaom Chau 3, Pur Senchey, PP. βοΈααα αααΈ: 4.0m x 30.0m βοΈLand Sizeα 4.0m x 30.0m βοΈααα ααααα: 4.0m x 20.0m βοΈHome Size: 4.0m x 20.0m βοΈα ααα½α: 1.5 ααΆαα βοΈFloors: 1.5 storey βοΈαααααααα ααααΉααααα βοΈSoft title deed (Khan) βοΈααααΌαααΆαααα α: 5.0m βοΈRoad Size: 5.0m π€΅ααΎααααα’αΌαααΆαα αααΆααα’αΆααααααααΌαααααΆαααααααααααα»αααΆαααΆαααΎααααα»αααΆααααααΆαααααα: π€΅If you are interested, please contact our team at the number below: βοΈ015703xxxClick To Call & 0963639xxxClick To Call & 098792xxxClick To Call α α»α ααΎααααΈαα
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Location: α’αΆαααααααΆα: ααΌαα·ααααααΆα’,α ααα α α£,αααα·ααααααα,αααααααα Address: Prey Tea 2, Chaom Chau 3, Pur Senchey, PP. Chaom Chau 3, Por Senchey, Phnom Penh
CommentΒ Β
Yong Sarak
Members Since 2022-07-08 14:56:22
Phnom Penh , α’αΆαααααααΆα: ααΌαα·ααααααΆα’,α ααα α α£,αααα·ααααααα,αααααααα Address: Prey Tea 2, Chaom Chau 3, Pur Senchey, PP.
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