AD ID: 10648268 β’ Phnom Penh β’ 2h
$380 3
π‘ ααΈα‘αΆααΌαααΆααααααααααΆαααα½ααααα»ααα»ααΈ ααΈαααα»ααααβ ααααΌαααΆαα·αααβ 6A| Brand new 4 Bedrooms Link House available for rent in Chroy Changva Area (Borey Chip Mong Land 6A) Price: π²380/month πLocation: αα»ααΈααΈαααα»ααααβ 6A|Chip Mong Park Land 6A Gated Community π ααααααααα 4| 4 Bedrooms π αααααααΉα 5 | 5 Bathrooms βΆ ααααααΆα 1| 1 kitchen βΆ ααααααααα½ααααααβ 1| 1 Living room βΆ ααααααα αα‘αΆα 1| Car parking Space βΆ ααααααααααααααΈβ ααα| Brand New at Corner βΆ ααααα α£ααΆαα| Storey: 3 floors βΆ ααΈααα α Land size: 4.2m x 16m βΆ ααααααα α Building size: 4.2m x 12m βΆ αααααα·αααΆαααααΆα| Unfurnished β Villa suitable for living and office. β: 077999xxxClick To Call/070999xxxClick To Call π©: inf*@forward-realty.netClick To Sent Email Telegram: WhatsApp:
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Location: #61E0, St.240, Sangkat Chaktumuk, Khan Doun Penh., Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 855 Bak Khaeng, Chrouy Changva, Phnom Penh
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Forward Realty
Phnom Penh , #61E0, St.240, Sangkat Chaktumuk, Khan Doun Penh., Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 855
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