AD ID: 11487394 • Phnom Penh • 3h
17 Bedroom Apartment Building For Rent in Toul Svay Prey Rental Price: $6,000/ Month Property ID: VL3823168 - Location: Toul Svay Prey - 3 minutes from Olympic Market Fully Furnished 17 Bedrooms | 19 Bathroom Office Space Parking Lots Lease Term: 2 - 3 Years Deposit: 2 Months To check the availability of this or similar property in Phnom Penh, please send us an e-mail by filling out the contact form below or inbox us on Telegram, WhatsApp, Line, or WeChat to get in touch with our professional real estate agents. We cannot guarantee the immediate availability of the properties on our website as the real estate market in Phnom Penh moves rapidly. H/P: +855(0)99 556 694 (English)/ +855(0)11 26 88 99 (日本語) WhatsApp: Telegram: E-mail: inf*@camrealtyservice.comClick To Sent Email Website: #phnompenhhousing #housesforrentinphnompenh #apartmentforrentinphnompenh #servicedapartmentforrentinphnompenh #condoforsaleinphnompenh #houseforsaleinphnompenh #renovatedapartmentforrentinphnompenh #renovatedhouseforsaleinphnompenh #rentalagentinphnompenh #realestateagentinphnompenh #wholebuildingforrentsaleinphnompenh #プノンペン賃貸物件アパート #프놈펜에임대주택
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Location: Toul Svay Prey - 3 minutes from Olympic Market Boeng Keng Kang Bei, Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom Penh
CAM Realty - Top Apartment Agency |
Phnom Penh , Toul Svay Prey - 3 minutes from Olympic Market
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