AD ID: 11663860 โข Phnom Penh โข Just now
$300 2
๐ Location: Sen Sok ๐ตแแแแแแแฝแ:โโ $300 ๐ตแแแแแแแแ: 1+200แแแแแนแแแแแพแ ๐ 1แแแแแแ ๐ฝ1แแแแแแ ๐แแแ แแขแถแแถแแ57 แแแแแแแแถแแแ ๐แแแ แแแแแแ 57แแแแแแแแถแแแ ๐งแแนแ 0.3 โก๏ธแแแแพแโ 0.25 โ แขแถแแ แแแแนแ/แแแแแแแ แถแแแแแแถแ:โ แแถแ/แแถแ โ แแถแแแแแถแแแแแแแแแ โ แแถแแแแแแถแแแแแแแแแแแถแแ โ แขแถแ แแพแ แผแแแถแแแแแถแแ ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ๐ต็ง้๏ผ$300 ๐ตๆผ้๏ผๆผ1+200ๆฐด็ตๆผ้ ๐ ไธๆฟ ๐ฝ1้ด ๐ๅปบ็ญ้ข็งฏ๏ผ57ๅนณๆน็ฑณ ๐ๅฅๅ ้ข็งฏ๏ผ57ๅนณๆน็ฑณ ๐งๆฐด่ดน 0.3 โก๏ธ็ต่ดน 0.25 โ ๆธธๆณณๆฑ /ๅฅ่บซๆฟ๏ผๆ/ๆ โ ็ฎก็่ฒป/็ถฒ่ทฏ๏ผๅซ/ไธๅซ โ ๅจๅ ท๏ผ็ฆๆฏ1/1/1/1 โ ๅฏไปฅ็ซๅณๅ ฅไฝ ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ๐ 1 Bedroom ๐ฝ 1 Bathroom ๐ตRental price: $$300 ๐ตDeposit๏ผ1+200 for water and electricity ๐Building Area๏ผ57sqm ๐Indoor area๏ผ57sqm ๐งWater 0.3 โก๏ธElectric 0.25 โ Facilities โ Management fee/Internet:have/have โ Fully Furnished *แแปแแแผแแแแแถแแแแฝแแแแแแถแแแแแแแแแแแแแแแแแแฝแ แแทแแแถแแแแแถแแแแแแฟแแแแแ แถแแนแแแแแพแแแถแแแแแแโโ แแแแแแแแถแแแถแแปแแแถแ แแถแแแแแแแปแแแแแแถแแแขแแแแแแแพแแถแ แแทแแแแแทแแแแทแโ แแธแแถแแแแ แแธแแแแแปแแแ แแทแแแถแแถแแแ แแแแถแแแทแแแแแแแแแแแพแแถแ แโ แแแแแถแแแแแแแถแแแแแแแแแผแแแถแแแแแแแแถแแแแพแแแแแปแ๏ผ061587xxxClick To Callโ แแผแแขแแแปแแ *่ฟๅฅๅบ็งๅ ฌๅฏๆไธ้ดๅคงๅงๅฎค๏ผ้ ๆ็ฐไปฃๅฎถๅ ทใ่้็ๆฟ้ด๏ผๆ้ๅๅๅทฅใๅญฆ็๏ผไฝไบๅธไธญๅฟ๏ผ้ ่ฟๅญฆๆ กใๅธๅบๅๅทฅไฝๅบๆใๅฆ้่ฆไบ่งฃๆดๅค็ไฟกๆฏ๏ผ ่ฏท่็ณปๆไปฌ Phone๏ผ061587xxxClick To Callโ ่ฐข่ฐขใ *Condo for rent has one big bedroom and is equipped with modern furniture, comfortable room, most suitable for staff, students, close to schools, markets and workplaces. For more information, please contact us๏ผ061587xxxClick To Call Thank you.
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Location: HVRR+4F3, st345๏ผPhnom Penh Phnom Penh Thmei, Saensokh, Phnom Penh
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Thai Laing
Members Since 2022-05-07 05:46:17
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