AD ID: 11696865 β’ Phnom Penh β’ Just now
PC ααααΆαααααΆαααΈαααααα ααααααααααβ αααα ααααβααααΆα,β ααΈα αααΆα MMO PC for Game, Design, Render Videoπ -CPU Core i5-9400F -Board ASUS -RAM 16G DDR4 3200 -SSDβ PCIe 512G (New) -VGA GTX 1630 4G GDDR6 (used) -Power Supply 500W(new) π°Price $335π₯ -Only PC παααααΌα Mouse, αααααΆαα Mouse, Keyboard& USB wifi πααΆααΆααΌα 2αα β098282xxxClick To Call β085768xxxClick To Call β0884094xxxClick To Call πΊοΈααΈααΆααβ #B14, B15 αααααΆααα ααα α ααΈ3 αααααααα·ααααααα (ααααΌααααα»α ααΆααααααα·ααααΆααααααααΌαααααααΆαααΎα)
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Location: α ααα α 3 Chaom Chau 3, Por Senchey, Phnom Penh
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Bunny Computer Shop
Members Since 2014-01-12 02:02:22
Phnom Penh , α ααα α 3
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