Training on Data Collection Methodologies

AD ID: 10987908 • Phnom Penh • Feb 11


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Education & Training

Dear all, Our Professional Capacity Building Group announces the Training on Data Collection Methodologies, 18-19 June 2022, at Coffee Culture, Tuol Tumpong, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Training costs are, USD 150 (INGO), USD 100 (LNGO/RGC), and USD 80 (Personal -No receipt). If you are interested in this training for you and/or your staff, would you register through, HP: 078/069803xxxClick To Call, Telegram: 078803xxxClick To Call, Email: pru**********@gmail.comClick To Sent Email Special notices,  Register from 3 participants and paid at the registered date, will be a discount of 10% per participant;  If you can pay a group of USD 2,000, you can employ our Technical Consultant to provide the service at your organization. Training contents, 1. Defining interview for data collection; 2. Introduction of the training; 3. Objectives of the training; 4. Expected outputs of the training; 5. Pre-test; 6. Qs/As, and sharing previous experience of data collection by each trainee; 7. Three forms interviews;  Structured interviewing;  Semi-structured interviewing;  Unstructured interviewing. 8. Structured/survey interviewing;  The role interviewer;  Interviewer bias;  Interviewer variance;  Strategies reducing interviewer bias;  Strategies reducing interviewer-related variance;  Controversy about standardized interviewing;  Interviewer management. 9. In-depth interviewing;  Perspectives of the interview;  Key feature the in-depth interview;  Requirements for a qualitative interviewer;  In-depth stages;  The contract;  Researcher participant roles;  Asking questions achieve breadth depth;  Content mapping questions;  Content mining questions;  In-depth, iterative probing;  Question formation;  Techniques achieving depth;  Practical considerations; 10. General standard successful interviewing  Appearance;  Approaching respondents;  Introduction;  Managing objections;  Neutrality;  Controlling interviewing environment;  Pace interview;  The arts probing; 11. Note-taking field notes; 12. Post-test; 13. Certificates distributions. Note that, all training contents’ theories are followed by its practices. Thanks. Good Luck.

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Location: Tuol Tumpoung, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Preaek Aeng, Chbar Ampov, Phnom Penh

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Vothana Prum

Vothana Prum


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