AD ID: 11723924 β’ ααααααα β’ Just now
Prime Building for Rent on National Road 4
Looking for a spacious and fully equipped building for rent? This property on National Road 4 offers an exceptional opportunity for your business or investment.
Key Details:
Rental Price: $23,000/month (negotiable)
Studios: 102 units
Total Rooms: 102
Two modern elevators for convenience and accessibility
Large parking area to accommodate tenants and visitors
Fully furnished rooms, ready for immediate use
This property is strategically located on National Road 4, providing easy access to key areas and ensuring high visibility. Itβs perfect for residential projects, long-term rentals, or business use.
Contact us today to schedule a viewing or for more information:
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ααΈααΆαα: 108 Kamboul, Kamboul, Phnom Penh
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Swift Property Specialist
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2015-04-24 10:51:55
ααααααα , 108
Safety Tips for Buyers
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Do note sent money before receiving the goods
Check the item before you buy
Payment ofter receiving the goods
Meet the seller at a safe location