AD ID: 10985513 β’ ααααααα β’ 5h
Rental Price: $1,100/month (Negotiable) π 2 Beds | π 3 Baths | π 110 Sqm | Big Balcony Features: β’ Internet access β’ Cable TV β’ Open kitchen β’ Refrigerator β’ Water purifier β’ Gas stove with oven β’ Laundry machine β’ Garbage collection β’ Car parking space This residential apartment is ideal for those who looking for heaven calm whilst. Located in a friendly neighborhood and very well-developed residential and very close to Invictus International school, Aeon Mall, and Riverside. (Please contact Us by Line, Whats App, Telegram, Viber ID: +8559320xxxClick To Call2), Wechat ID:: soashon. Call Us: 089337xxxClick To Call(Cellcard)/093200xxxClick To Call(Smart)/ 0888200xxxClick To Call(Metfone) (Khmer/ English) e-mail:inf*@khmerhousing.comClick To Sent Email
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ααΈααΆαα: (Bassac lane) Tonle Basak, Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh
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αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2015-09-03 10:50:40
ααααααα , (Bassac lane)
Safety Tips for Buyers
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