AD ID: 11673472 β’ αααααααααΊ β’ 11h
Newly Built Factory/Warehouse for Rent on National Road 51 π Prime Location: Conveniently located along National Road No. 51, near Thnal Tateong Market. Only 35 km from Phnom Penh International Airport, ideal for logistics and transportation. π’ Property Details: Building Area: 10,000 mΒ² (100m x 100m), with potential expansion of 5,000 mΒ² or more. Rental Price: $2.2/mΒ² = $22,000/month (negotiable). Lease Term: Minimum 5 years. β Key Features: Suitable for garment factories, industrial operations, or product storage. Located on a major road for easy access. Convenient for transportation, loading, and unloading goods. π Contact Us Today! Interested in this property? Reach out to us at 017821xxxClick To Call + For further information and view the property please feel free to contact me via Pm or call : Contact: +855968888005 Brother Property Service Click Here Telegram: ......... #RealEstateCambodia #PhnomPenhRealEstate #SiemReapProperties #CambodiaProperty #CambodiaRealEstate #VillaForSale #VillaForRent #CommercialBuildingForRent #WarehouseForRent #FactoryForLease #LandForSale #FlatForRent #CondoForSale #CondoForRent #HotelForSale #AgricultureLand #PhnomPenhProperty #SiemReapRealEstate #InvestInCambodia #CambodiaRealEstateMarket #PropertiesNearPhnomPenh #LicensedRealEstateAgency #ProfessionalRealEstateAgents #RealEstateExpertsCambodia #BrotherPropertyService #BuySellRentCambodia #PropertyInvestmentCambodia #AffordableRealEstate #LuxuryPropertiesCambodia #RealEstateForInvestors
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ααΈααΆαα: 108 Basedth, Basedth, Kampong Speu
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Swift Property Specialist
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2015-04-24 10:51:55
αααααααααΊ , 108
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