AD ID: 11728335 β’ ααααααα β’ 3d
π’One Park Serviced Apartments
Location: Phnom Penh City Centre
Unit Studio room ( M5)
Price: $ 870 -980/month
Size: 43.85sqm
Floor: 7th -16th Floor,
Building SC/ SH
Included Amenities:
- Fully furnished with modern fixtures.
- Enjoy Cable TV and high-speed wireless internet access.
- Access to the childrenβs playground, gym, and residence lounge at the clubhouse.
- Dive into relaxation with our resort-style swimming pool.
- Housekeeping services and linen change provided once a week.
- Kids have full access to indoor and outdoor playgrounds.
- 24/7 security surveillance and CCTV monitoring.
- Around-the-clock support from our dedicated service and engineering team.
Additional Charges:
- Electricity: USD 0.25 per kWh (applicable for monthly stays).
- Water supply: USD 0.75 per ton.
- Secure parking available for $40 per car.
- Payment Terms: Requires a two-month deposit and one-month advance rental.
π₯ For more details :
βοΈ 015644xxxClick To Call telegram & whatsapp
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ααΈααΆαα: Boeng Kak Ti Mouy Boeng Kak Muoy, Tuol Kouk, Phnom Penh
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