AD ID: 11650784 β’ ααααααα β’ Just now
Dear Tenants
Units for 2 bedroom π are opening to rent for month February & ready to check in at HD apartment (bkk3):
π’Rental fee: π²450
π’Size: 80sq
π’Floor : 5th
Room feature :
βοΈ2bedroom type
βοΈ Dinning table , living room , kitchen
βοΈ two private balconies
βοΈFully furnish
Location : #19, st416, Chamkamon , Pp (few min away from Chinese embassy) Zone1
Google map π
π΄24hr security front door
π΄Cleaning service twice per week
π΄Free parking lot (cars &motors )
π΄WiFi , cable tv system , water usage πΏ free charge
π΄Management fee all including
π΄Electric : $0.28
π²089555xxxClick To Call (telegram)
π²015707xxxClick To Call
π²085449xxxClick To Call
π²093222xxxClick To Call (telegram)
ααααααΆαααααΆαααααα: ααΌααα»αααααα αα·ααΆαααΆα’αααααΆαααΎαααΆαααααααααααΆαααααα ααΎ αααααα’α€α
ααΈααΆαα: #19; st416, Mao Semtung blvd, Sangkat tumnob Tuek,khan chamkar mon, Phnom Penh Tumnob Tuek, Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom Penh
ααα·Β Β
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2018-05-23 15:09:29
ααααααα , #19; st416, Mao Semtung blvd, Sangkat tumnob Tuek,khan chamkar mon, Phnom Penh
Safety Tips for Buyers
αα»α αα»ααααααα½ααααα·α
Do note sent money before receiving the goods
Check the item before you buy
Payment ofter receiving the goods
Meet the seller at a safe location