AD ID: 11736976 β’ Phnom Penh β’ 22h
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Brand: Microsoft Model: Surface Pro Edition: 11th Edition Processor: Snapdragon X Plus (10 Core) Memory: 16GB LPDDR5x Storage: 512GB PCIe Graphics: Qualcomm Adreno GPU Screen: 13β³ LCD (2880 x 1920) 10-point multi-touch Wireless: Wi-Fi 7 + Bluetooth 5.4 Integrated: 2 x USB Type-C 3.5mm headphone jack 1 x Surface Connect port Camera: 1440p QHD Video and Camera OS: Windows 11 Home license Battery: 48 Whr, Up to 14 hours Weight: 895 g Warranty: 1 year on parts and services ======================= παα·αααααΆαααΆαααααΆαααααα·αα αΆαααΆα αααα αΆαααΌα ======================= αααα»αα αα»αααΎαααΆαααα Model Surface Prow ααΆα αααΎααααΌααααααΌα ααΆ: -Surface Laptop Pro Copilot CPU Snapdragon X Elite Ram 16GB SSD 512GB M.2 Graphic Qualcomm Adreno CPU = $1,399 - Surface Laptop Pro Copilot CPU Snapdragon X Elite Ram 16GB SSD 1TB M.2 Graphic Qualcomm Adreno CPU = $1,479 - Surface Laptop Pro Copilot CPU Snapdragon X Elite Ram 32GB SSD 1TB M.2 Graphic Qualcomm Adreno CPU = $1,999 - Surface Laptop Pro Copilot CPU Snapdragon X Elite Ram 64GB SSD 1TB M.2 Graphic Qualcomm Adreno CPU = $2,399 ======================= π²Telegram: πWebsite: ========================
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Members Since 2014-05-28 06:32:31
Phnom Penh , αα αα·αααααΌαα’α§α‘ αααααΆααα αΆααα’ααααααΎ ααααααΆαααα ααααααα
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