Training on Result-Base Monitoring & Evaluation (RBM&E)

AD ID: 10987905 • Phnom Penh • Feb 11


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Education & Training

Dear all, Our Professional Capacity Building Group announces the Training on RBM&E is regularly conducted (upon negotiated date, venue, and numbers of participants) in Phnom Penh, or other provinces, Cambodia. Training costs are, USD 250 (INGO), USD 200 (LNGO/RGC), and USD 150 (Personal-No receipt), and a course of 20-25 participants is USD 2,000.00 The language can be in Khmer/English (upon request) If you are interested in this training for you and/or your staff, would you register through, HP: (855)+078/+069803xxxClick To Call, Telegram: (855)+078803738, Email: pru**********@gmail.comClick To Sent Email Special notice,  Register from 3 participants and paid at the registered date, will be a discount of 10% per participant;  If you can pay a group of USD 2,000, you can employ our Technical Consultant to provide the service at your organization. Training contents, 1. Step of Result-Based Monitoring & Evaluation; 2. Project Life Cycle; 3. Indicators, Types of Indicators; 4. SMART Indicators, how to create SMART indicators? 5. Baseline, and Target of indicators; 6. Log-frame of the projects/programs; 7. Outputs, why Output is important for donors’ reports? 8. Outcomes, immediate outcomes, intermediate Outcomes, why the outcome is important for donors’ reports? 9. Impacts, Types of impacts, and why impact is important for the donors’ reports? interpretation of impacts into the reports? 10. Graphs, interpretation of the graphs into research analytical report; 11. Effective, and Efficient in Project Management; 12. What is the RBM&E framework? Why is it important? 13. Design Monitoring Framework, why is it important? 14. RBM&E Result Chain; 15. Theory of Change, why is it important? 16. Creation of Google Key Events Calendar Group, why is it important for Monitoring? 17. Monitoring online through Google Key Events Calendar; 18. Monitoring, Types of Monitoring, Roles of Monitoring, why monitoring is important? Tools of Monitoring; 19. Evaluation, Type of evaluation, Roles of evaluation, why evaluation is important for the donors? Tools of evaluation? 20. The differences between M&E; 21. Creation of Google forms for Training Pre-Post Tests, & Events evaluations, with its practices; 22. Feature Success Story application, with its practices; 23. Most Significant Change (MSC) Technique, with its application; 24. Qs/As, and sharing of MERL lessons learned on how to handle the Effective & Efficient RBM&E System with the big donors’ funded Projects/Program. Thanks. Good Luck.

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Location: 078803738 Preaek Pra, Chbar Ampov, Phnom Penh

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Vothana Prum

Vothana Prum


Members Since 2018-01-02 14:14:53

Phnom Penh , 078803738

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