AD ID: 11396227 β’ ααααααα β’ Dec 11
$32.98 $343% OFF
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CCTV WiFi camera outdoor App Care Cam Pro outdoor X10 zoom ππ΄Promotion 10% now to 10 July Free memory 64Gb: 38$ Free memory 32Gb: 34$ Care Cam Pro Outdoor camera X10 Zoom πDual Len (2Mp) (2+2Mp) Model Number: PL Warranty: 6 months Special Features: Human Motion Tracking, NIGHT VISION, Waterproof / Weatherproof, Built-in Siren, Two-way Audio Sensor: CMOS Style: Dome Camera, Mini camera, Floodlight Camera, PTZ camera Function: Two-way Audio, Abnormal sound detection, Alarm I/O, RESET, Built-in Mic, NIGHT VISION, Waterproof / Weatherproof, Built-in Siren (IP 66) Video Compression Format: H.265 Data Storage Options: Cloud, Memory Card, SD Card Application: Outdoor Customized support: Online technical support, Customized logo, OEM, ODM Free delivery in PP under 10km from Choam Chao Fast delivery 2$ up Delivery 1.25-2$ over 12.1km And 25 province and City! Thanks, Good luck everyone!
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ααΈααΆαα: Thmorkaul1 Chaom Chau 2, Por Senchey, Phnom Penh
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PS Electronics
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2020-07-03 03:30:11
ααααααα , Thmorkaul1
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