AD ID: 11216693 β’ ααααααα β’ Dec 11
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Foam Cleaner
Multi-purpose Foam Cleaner Anti-aging Car Interior Home Cleaning Spray Kit
α αααΌαααΆα ααΌααααα’αΆααα
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ααΆαααα’αΆαααΌαα‘αΆα ααΌααααα’αΆααααααΆαααααΎααααΆαααααααα ααΌαααΆαααα’αΆαααα’β ααα
αΆααααΆααααααΈ αα!
- 1 PC price 4.99$ αααααααΆα (1 ααααα»α 20000α)
ααααααααΆααΉα 1.25-2$$ (delivery fee)
αα»α α£β αα (α¦α₯α β α.αβ /βα‘ ααααα»α) ααααα 12.99αα»ααααΆ
- 3 pcs (650 ml /can) Price: 12.99$
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αα»α α₯ββ αα ααααα 19$ αα»ααααΆ (ααΉααα·ααα·ααααα αα
- 5 pcs Price: 19$ (Free delivery in PP)
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αααΎα ααΌαααααΎααΆα ααααααααα!
IF need more, please contact me for order more!
1. Has a powerful decontamination function, the bottle cap comes with a brush, which makes cleaning more convenient, and the matching brush can easily remove dirt and make your car interior look like new
2. The mild formula will not hurt your hands, will not stain or corrode the car interior, make your car anti-fading, aging, cracking, and provide you with UV protection
3. Keep your car clean and avoid all dirt and debris that gets inside the car, adding a deep, rich aesthetic to the dashboard and other interior surfaces
4. Easy to use, one spray and one wipe, no need to rinse with water, it is very convenient to use, just spray the product on the place that needs to be cleaned, and then wipe the dissolved stains with a cleaning sponge.
5. Super nozzle, user-friendly quick switch, remove stains quickly, long-lasting effect, very suitable for your car dashboard, console, car seat leather, etc.
Capacity: 650ml
Material: nano silicon, nano fluorine, surfactant, deionized water
Applicable to: car, home
Thanks Good luck!
ααααααΆαααααΆαααααα: ααΌααα»αααααα αα·ααΆαααΆα’αααααΆαααΎαααΆαααααααααααΆαααααα ααΎ αααααα’α€α
ααΈααΆαα: ααααααα‘ Chaom Chau 2, Por Senchey, Phnom Penh
ααα·Β Β
PS Electronics
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2020-07-03 03:30:11
ααααααα , ααααααα‘
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