AD ID: 11642598 β’ ααααααα β’ 1d
πDescription -Prepare document for worker employment join and exit, then submit to Head Office -Maintain employees record and papers work -Doing daily report of constructionβs status, workers -Check and monitor Finger Print attendance of staff and workers, workerβs payroll, and doing report to Head Office -Manage rental of workers and staff accommodation -Deal with conflict, conduct and discipline issues with worker -Overseeing the health and safety regulation of all employees -Facilitate in purchasing order and purchasing report when site construction needed to support the project -Follow up in purchase order process, make sure it follows schedule timeline -Doing on purchasing reports and petty cash reports -Manage and control stock make sure items in and out are recorded accurately -Manage Master list of company assets make sure itβs up to date -In charge for spread and share information to site staff and workers -A key contact person between worker or staff at site with Head Office -Other duties as deemed operationally necessary by the Head of Section -Other tasks assigned by direct supervisor πJob Requirements: -Bachelor degree of Business Administration or related field -At least 1- or 2-years experiences in Admin Support, purchasing, manage paper work, attendance checking in construction industry -Computer Literate Ms. Word, Excel, Internet and E-mail -Be honest and trustworthy -Communication and Negotiation skill
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ααΈααΆαα: Head Office: Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh Boeng Trabaek, Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh
ααα·Β Β
Noeun Chansovanda
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2020-06-10 13:24:31
ααααααα , Head Office: Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh
Safety Tips for Buyers
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Do note sent money before receiving the goods
Check the item before you buy
Payment ofter receiving the goods
Meet the seller at a safe location